Competitive Managers: Close the season


The following steps must be completed to close your season.





Finalize budget

Treasurer / Manager

Close bank account

Treasurer / Co-signer

Plan end of season party



1. Finalize budget

To finalize the budget, it must be updated with all expenses, the final NGHA ice bill must be paid, and the budget must be cleared with the NGHA. Competitive convenors will communicate with the manager about the final budget and ice bill. Final ice bills are usually ready by the end of May. Managers must communicate the final status of the budget to parents and provide information on any refunds.


2. Close bank acount

Bank accounts can be closed once everything, including the final ice bill, is paid and refunds (if applicable) are issued to parents. Competitive directors will provide an account closing letter that the treasurer and co-signer can take to the bank to close the account.


3. Plan end of season party

Close to the end of the season, Managers should ask for some volunteers to help plan an end of season party. This usually includes coaches gifts and player gifts plus some closing remarks from the coaches and manager.

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