Policy: Non-Parent Coach Reimbursement

NGHA Policy on Non-Parent Coach Reimbursement


This policy sets out the parameters for the reimbursement of non-parent coaches, including honoraria, eligible expenses and allowable amounts and the process for claiming expenses.



  • Head coach honorarium: $10,000
    • Note: the Head Coach may choose to compensate non-parent Assistant Coaches from their honorarium


  • Head coach honorarium: $2,500
    • Note: the Head Coach may choose to compensate non-parent Assistant Coaches from their honorarium


  • Head coach honorarium: $2,500
    • Note: the Head Coach may choose to compensate non-parent Assistant Coaches from their honorarium


  • Head coach does not receive an honorarium, but expenses are covered as per schedule below.


  • Teams with women non-parent assistant coaches (WNPAC) may apply for a $1000 honorarium per coach to cover the costs associated with one away tournament.
  • Coaches must submit the name of the WNPAC and a short bio to the competitive committee along with the details of one tournament the WNPAC will be attending with the team.
  • If approved, the $1000 will go to the team’s budget as income from NGHA and the team will cover the expenses for one tournament.
  • Note that any non-parent coaches at the non-ADP level must be women.

Apparel Expenses - ADP Only

The Association will pay for tracksuits for up to three coaches provided the apparel was not provided by the association in the previous two seasons. Any other apparel for coaches must be approved in the team budget and payable by the Team.

 Out-of-town Tournaments

Teams will reimburse up to three rostered non-parent coaches (ADP teams) or one rostered non-parent coach (non-ADP teams) for travel expenses related to out-of-town tournaments. The objective is to balance the cost of tournaments to non-parent coaches with the cost to parents. Travel expenses must be included in the team budget and factored into team fees. The following are expenses eligible for reimbursement at the rates specified:

    1. For tournaments more than 300km outside of Ottawa, maximum vehicle allowance of $300.00 and for tournaments less than 300km outside of Ottawa, maximum vehicle allowance of $150 if a personal vehicle used - limited to one vehicle for all coaching staff as carpooling is expected, additional vehicles at coach’s expense.  If a rental car is used, vehicle allowance per above will be covered, but not the cost of the rental. ADP teams may apply for additional reimbursement for 1 away tournament if expenses exceed the $300 allowance.  Board approval is needed and will be reviewed case by case.
    2. Hotel rooms for each night of the tournament booked at the same hotel and rates as the team - double occupancy if same gender (maximum of 2 rooms for three coaches or 1 room for two), additional rooms or nights at coach's expense. For ADP teams, if coaches are of different genders, 2 rooms will be permitted and double occupancy rule not enforced.
    3. Per diem to cover meals of $60 ($10 breakfast, $20 lunch, $30 dinner). $40 per diem for travel days.
    4. Coaches are limited to scheduling up to five out-of-town tournaments (ADP teams), three out-of-town tournaments (non-ADP competitive teams) or one out-of-town tournament (house league teams) in a season for which expenses will be reimbursed - additional out-of-town tournaments will be at the coach’s expense. Exceptions are made for Provincial Championships whereby additional expense coverage will be required by the team for the coaching staff.
Reimbursement of Expenses

Following team travel, the Head Coach shall submit a written request to the Team Treasurer for reimbursement of expenses for all eligible non-parent coaches.  The request must include:

  • Distance from Ottawa to tournament location/gas receipts;
  • Hotel receipts;
  • Date of departure;
  • Date of return;
  • Summary of which coaches should receive payment.
Questions Questions on this policy can be directed to the Director of Policy, Risk and Safety (NGHApolicy@gmail.com)


Effective as of: September 30, 2022

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