NGHA-KGHA House League Partnership Pilot

Aug. 21, 2022

New for the 2022-2023 season: The Nepean Wildcats and Kanata Rangers house league programs are joining forces for an exciting new partnership!

This new format will include a continuation of great gameplay in Wildcats house league, and starting in November, games will also be played against KGHA teams.

What does this mean for our Wildcats?
This new partnership will mean our house league players will get the opportunity to compete against a more varied list of opponents within regular season play.

Will we still play games against other NGHA teams?
Yes! All teams will have the opportunity to play against both NGHA opponents and KGHA opponents. Games against KGHA teams will not begin until November.

Will teams have to travel to play against Kanata?
Teams can expect some travel when we begin playing against Kanata in November. Kanata home ice will be located at either the KRC or at Goulbourn arena. Nepean home games will still take place at Minto in Barrhaven or at Carleton University, depending on your division.
Practices and internal games (between two NGHA teams) will still all be held at Minto or Carleton, as usual.

Will we still have all our practices and games on the weekend?
Yes. All ice times will be held on the weekend. Generally, teams can still expect to have one practice on Saturday and one game on Sunday. There may be variations to this where teams would play more than one game on a weekend, but this would be an exception.

Will teams still be permitted to play in tournaments?
Yes, absolutely! House league teams are permitted to play in a maximum of three tournaments, including our own Nepean DIFD tournament in early February.

Will we have to play over the Christmas break?
No, there will be no ice assigned between December 19 and January 6. 

Will this increase my registration or team fees?
This new partnership will not have an impact on registration or team fees.

Will we still have our own Championship weekend?
The NGHA will still have our own championship weekend where we can come together to celebrate the end of our season. More details will be provided in the coming months

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