Policy: Equipment

NGHA Equipment Policy

Statement of Purpose

Properly fitted equipment worn while participating in hockey is key to the prevention of injuries, as well as maximizing mobility and player performance.  

This policy outlines the standards and provisions of equipment for all players in the NGHA.


All NGHA players, while participating in game play, will present a consistent look, anchored by the Nepean Wildcats jerseys (for U9 and above, with the exception of the U22 and U18 AA teams). Players are encouraged to wear black helmets and pants. Hockey gloves should be consistent with the Wildcats colour scheme, the predominant colour being black.  

Required Equipment - Players & Goalies


The following is a list of equipment that is required for players to participate in hockey, as regulated by the OWHA. A player lacking this equipment will not be allowed on the ice until they obtain such equipment. All equipment must be in the proper state of repair and be properly fitted to provide the protection that the equipment was manufactured for:   

For Players:

  • Helmet - CSA Approved
  • Facemask - CSA approved
  • Shoulder pads and chest protector
  • Throat protector (Neck guard) - BNQ approved
  • Elbow pads
  • Hockey pants
  • Gloves
  • Shin pads
  • Pelvic protector (Jill)
  • Hockey skates
  • Socks
  • Hockey Stick
  • NGHA issued hockey sweater (Jersey)

For Goalies:

  • Helmet - CSA Approved
  • Facemask - CSA approved
  • Goalie chest protector
  • Dangler and goalie throat collar and bib - BNQ approved
  • Elbow pads
  • Hockey pants
  • Goalie pads
  • Catcher and blocker gloves
  • Pelvic protector (Jill)
  • Hockey skates
  • Socks
  • Hockey Stick
  • NGHA issued hockey sweater (Jersey)

Required Equipment - Team Officials


All team officials participating in on-ice activities must wear a properly fastened CSA approved hockey helmet.  

Recommended Equipment

It is recommended that every NGHA player participating in an OWHA sanctioned game or practice shall at all times while engaged in play or practices, practice drills or scrimmages on the ice surface wear an intra-oral mouth guard.

Provision of Equipment

Goalie Equipment

The provision of goalie equipment by the NGHA is restricted to leg pads, blocker, trapper, body armour and dangler. Goalie equipment will be made available to all House League teams and the FUNdamentals program. The NGHA tries to accommodate goalie equipment requests from Competitive teams as best we can, mostly for the younger age brackets of U9 and U11.   

Goalie sticks will be provided to Fall/Winter season House League teams that do not have a dedicated full time goalie. Full-time goalies are expected to purchase their own sticks.  

For the Fall/Winter season, a rental fee, set by the Board of Directors, is required for each set of NGHA goalie equipment and paid for by the team. This rental fee will cover one Fall/Winter season. A refund will be issued upon the return of the equipment, once all financial commitments, and other equipment returns, have been made.  

Registered NGHA goalies can arrange for the use of NGHA goalie equipment for tryouts.

Players, their parents or guardians, will be held fiscally responsible for any damage caused to any NGHA equipment. The cost of lost NGHA equipment, or damage to NGHA equipment, may be deducted from damage deposits to a team, or the individual responsible.  

The NGHA will not reimburse players who provide their own goalie equipment for all or part of the cost of the equipment.  

Team Jerseys - U9 level and above (exception U22 & U18 AA teams)

Each team will be loaned two sets of team NGHA jerseys.

A portion of the team registration fee will be withheld as a jersey deposit and will be refunded upon the successful and timely return of the team jerseys. The Board of Directors will determine the amount of the deposit.   

Players are to wear their NGHA game jerseys, with matching NGHA socks, when playing in games as a NGHA team, or attending a function as a NGHA team, ONLY.

Players are not to use their NGHA game jerseys in practices or scrimmages.

Jerseys may not be altered in any manner, except for hand stitching of name tags, “C” and “A” symbols, or sponsors tags. Sewing machines or any form of glue (including iron-on items) are not to be used as they damage the jerseys. Teams will be assessed the cost of damaged jerseys up to the full replacement cost.  

Players are strongly encouraged to carry their jerseys in a separate garment bag to protect the jerseys.  

Team Socks

The NGHA provides one pair of hockey socks per player, per year. Teams may order a second set of socks through the association and reimburse the NGHA the total dollar amount of the socks.

Equipment and Jersey Return

Equipment and jersey return dates will be scheduled and posted on the NGHA website. Teams are encouraged to make sure equipment and jerseys are returned as soon as possible. Teams not returning their equipment and jerseys before the NGHA Annual General Meeting will forfeit their team’s jersey deposit.  

Team jerseys are to be returned clean, completely dried, and on hangers and with all name tags, sponsor tags and “C” and “A” symbols removed.  

Goalie equipment must be returned promptly at the end of each season/program for inventory. For example, even if a player has played in the Fall/Winter season and is registered to participate in the following summer program, the goalie equipment must be returned immediately following the Fall/Winter season.

Teams will be refunded their deposit only if all jerseys are returned in acceptable condition and there are no outstanding amounts due by the team to the NGHA.  

NGHA Purchase of Equipment

The Equipment Director will present the Board of Directors quotes from a minimum of three (3) different suppliers for the purchase of new equipment over $2000.

The recommendation of the Equipment Director and authorization of the Board of Directors will precipitate the purchase of all equipment.  

Goalie Equipment

New: The NGHA will purchase what is deemed “association” type equipment, which is essentially base model equipment that is safe and adequate for the level of hockey for which it is being used.

Used: Used equipment must be in very good to excellent condition and at a fair price. When purchasing used equipment, a comparison will be made between comparable new equipment and the used equipment in question.  


Please contact the Director, Policy Risk and Safety at NGHApolicy@gmail.com for any questions on this policy.

Updated:  May 17, 2022

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