Policy: Team Finances

NGHA Team Finances Policy

Statement of Purpose

The NGHA strives to ensure that all team funds are accounted for and are being spent responsibly.



All teams are required to open a team account at an accredited financial institution solely for their team’s financial transactions for the current season, with signing authority for the account requiring two signatures. The use of e-transfers is not permitted.

The team budget must be submitted to the Competitive/House League Director and respective Convenor and approved, prior to the first parents’ meeting.

A team budget is to be presented to and approved by the team players/parents at the first parents’ meeting at the beginning of the season.

Detailed financial statements must be given to the Convenor and to all team players/parents by January 15th, and a final one at the end of the season. These financial statements should show a comparison to the approved budget.

The Treasurer should keep all receipts until after the end of the hockey season.

Financial statements and/or team budgets must be produced to the Board of Directors upon request.

The bank account of the team must be closed by May 31st after sweater deposits and any other team expenses have cleared. Any funds remaining in the account need to be distributed back to the parents on the team in a timely fashion. If all parents agree, the team may consider donating all or part of the excess to:

  • the Mary Lou Zywicki Bursary program for our graduating Midget players that are attending university or college
  • the NGHA to be used for financial assistance for NGHA players in future seasons
  • a charity, such as CHEO, Roger’s house of an organization of the team’s choosing

Team Fees


All player team fees must be collected by December 15th of the current season. If any problems arise regarding the collection of team fees, the team Treasurer must contact the Convenor before the end of December.

Bingo credits may be used for individual player fees.

If a player leaves the team after the start of the season, her team fees must be pro-rated and the pro-rated amount refunded to her.

If a player joins the team after the start of the season, her team fees must be pro-rated and charged to her.

Team Expenses

The NGHA registration fee covers the OWHA league play portion of a team’s on-ice activity. The length and number of games played in the different divisions of the OWHA league may vary from season to season (e.g. longer games in higher competitive levels, more games in competitive than in house league). To address this discrepancy and balance the OWHA league costs for all players, some teams will be assessed a surcharge to cover the extra costs incurred by the NGHA. This will depend, each season, on the format of the OWHA league, including both regular season and playoff games.  

Competitive teams must pay all costs, including ice time, referee and timekeepers, associated with Provincial play down games.  

Allowable team budget expenses (requiring majority consent of the players/parents):

  • Team jersey deposit
  • Goalie equipment deposit & rental fee for teams with no full time goalie
  • OWHA fees for extra team staff - the NGHA pays for up to five (5) team staff
  • Practice ice
  • Exhibition games - ice, referees, timekeepers
  • Tournaments - entry fees
  • Coaches Hotel Accommodations - for out-of-town tournaments, if coaches do not have a child on the team (non-parent). Team fees can be used to cover a maximum of one (1) non-parent coach per team.
  • Team Supplies - pucks, pylons, first aid kit, etc.
  • Administration - game sheet labels, postage, photocopying, etc.
  • Social Expenses - year-end party, player awards
  • Provincial Play Down Games - competitive teams only
  • Provincial Bond - competitive teams only
  • Provincial Championships - competitive teams only

Non-allowable team budget expenses:

  • Off-ice team clothing items are not mandatory and CANNOT be paid for with team fees. All team clothing purchases (i.e. hats, sweatshirts, jackets, tracksuits) are at individual family discretion (with the exception of those in the ADP program - U15AA, U18AA, U22AA).
  • Third party team training (i.e. development sessions with Amped, Apex, etc.)


Teams may elect to participate in fundraising activities to raise money for non-allowable team budget expenses.

What the money obtained through fundraising will be used for (i.e. third party training, off-ice clothing, etc.) must be determined at the start of the year through a team vote with the parents/players. Unless another vote is taken, money acquired through team fundraising efforts cannot be used to make additional purchases outside of the agreed-upon expenses.

If a balance of funds acquired through fundraising activities remains at the end of the season, any families that did not participate in fundraising activities will not be eligible for reimbursement when the fundraising balance is redistributed.


Please contact the Director, Policy Risk and Safety at NGHApolicy@gmail.com for any questions on this policy.

 Updated:  May 17, 2022

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